Want to Burn More Calories? Spice Up Your Meals!

What if you could burn more fat and calories by making one small change to your diet? The secret is to spice up your meals. That’s right! Certain herbs and spices can rev up your metabolism and increase energy expenditure. Actually, you might already have them in the kitchen.

Let’s see how spicing up your meals can help with weight loss!

The Fat-Burning Power of Spices

Most weight loss supplements available today contain at least one spice. Capsaicin, green tea extract, and turmeric are among the most popular ingredients. They not only support health and well-being but also promote fat loss and metabolic health.

Let’s take capsaicin. This compound occurs naturally in cayenne peppers, hot peppers, and other spices. Upon ingestion, it raises your body’s core temperature, leading to a faster metabolism.

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Due to its thermogenic properties, it helps reduce body fat levels and increases fat burning by as much as 16 percent. Moreover, it contributes to protein synthesis and curbs hunger.

Each spice and herb boasts unique properties. Some reduce appetite and cravings. Others slow down sugar absorption into your system or help your body burn stored fat. There are also spices that shrink fat tissue, increase satiety, or flush out excess water from the body.

These plants also contain powerful antioxidants with anti-aging and immune-boosting effects. Ginger, for example, fights inflammation, scavenges free radicals, and strengthens your natural defenses. For this reason, it’s recommended to those struggling with a common cold, flu, pain, and inflammatory disorders.

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